Tuesday 31 December 2013

7 Foods to Ease an Upset Stomach

 Having an upset stomach blows—especially when it leaves you doubled over in pain. Add to that cramping, nausea, or diarrhea, and it becomes near impossible to deal with day-to-day tasks. While it's a good idea to keep your diet simple during these periods (think clear broth and saltine crackers), certain foods can actually help soothe the stomach. If you often find yourself having indigestion, see which foods will help.

 There's a reason bananas remain a recommended energy booster for marathon runners: bananas are easily digestible and generally do not upset the stomach. The fruit is actually known for helping with stomach issues since they contain pectin, which helps to naturally firm bowel movements.
Add another tropical fruit to the list of tummy soothers. Eating papaya helps encourage digestion, ease indigestion, and also help with constipation. The magic is in the enzymes papain and chymopapain, which help break down proteins and soothe the stomach by promoting a healthy acidic environment. Since papayas are often hard to come by, look for papaya extract tablets.
 3)White rice

When your stomach is feeling topsy-turvy, it's a good idea to stick to bland, white foods like rice, toast, or boiled potatoes. Besides not putting added stress on an already-sensitive digestive system, these foods help ease diarrhea by absorbing fluids and adding bulk to your stool.

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